5 Element Acupuncture
What is 5 Element Acupuncture? How is 5 Element Acupuncture different than other styles of acupuncture? What type of patient will the 5 Element Acupuncture style benefit the most? Below is an article [...]
Moxibustion, commonly referred to as moxa, is the practice of placing a small cone of this Chinese herb on an acupuncture point...
Chinese Herbal Therapy
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is the oldest and most comprehensive form of herbal medicine in the world.
Acupuncture & Acupressure
A simple definition of acupuncture/acupressure is utilizing a needle or pressure to stimulate a healing response from the body.
Tui Na (Chinese Massage)
Tui Na involves hands on manipulation that is focused on acupuncture points and channel pathways associated with your chief complaint.